Static and Dynamic Info Panel on the right of Map

The use of the interactive map and the details of the selected locations are visible in the information panel on the right.

It may take some time before all layers are loaded. To speed up the loading only enable those layers you will be working with.

GIS Details Provided in Map

Potential water related soil erosion is found on (1) farmland where erosion gullies can be detected on Google Earth high resolution imagery (2) Urban and rural settlements where dirt roads and compacted soil around the dwellings qualify as "barren soil" and experience erosion (3) Rock fronts and exposed bedrock in rivers will also be captured as "barren land" but is not related to soil erosion. For registration of erosion trends, selected areas (bbox) will be isolated and monitored for visual erosion expansion/decline like expanding gullies or loss of gullies as result of erosion control measures.

Para o registo das tendências da erosão, as áreas selecionadas (bbox) serão isoladas e monitorizadas quanto à expansão/declínio visual da erosão, como a expansão de ravinas ou a perda de ravinas em resultado de medidas de controlo da erosão.